☆ Arizona Legislative Tracking ☆

A.U.D.I.T. AZ Legislative Tracking

Legislative Tracking in Arizona for Election Integrity

Tuesday, February 28, 2006


on SB 1557
You have all been wonderful so far. The Election Reform Bill will pass out of Rules today and then onto the Senate floor sometime this week.

***Ask all Senators to pass SB1557 the Election Reform bill***

It doesn't matter if there are amendments made or not. Just get it to the House were it can be fixed.

***Please ask your Senator to pass SB1557 Election Reform.***

There are just 30 Senators. One could call all in a fairly short time.

Then we will work on the House Judiciary committee.

With your help we can get the most important bill this year passed. There is no election effort needed without FAIR elections.

Click here for a sample letter. The best thing about it is that you can just copy and paste into your cc all the senate emails. If you send this to your groups this will make it easier. Please send to as many as you can.

Thanks, Carolyn

Posted by Protect Democracy :: 11:42 AM ::
Copy and Paste Senator Email List

Copy and Paste Senator Email List

To send an email to all your sentors at once, just copy all of the email addresses below, then paste into the " to" field of your email message:

bleff@azleg.gov; dmartin@azleg.gov;rmiranda@azleg.gov;hmitchell@azleg.gov;rrios@azleg.gov;


Posted by Protect Democracy :: 11:04 AM ::

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Sample Letter:

Sample Letter:

Subject: We must pass SB1557

Dear Senators:

As a member of a large activist community, I'm writing to let you know that we consider SB1557 on Election Reform to be one of the most critical bills you'll be asked to pass this year. It should pass out of the Rules Committee today and show up on the floor of the Senate for a vote soon. When it does, please be sure to pass it. Several of you are co-sponsors of this bill; I thank you heartily for your support. I know there is still work to be done, but it can and will be done after this bill is passed in the Senate. I'm sure no one would vote against fair elections so thank you in advance.

Without election reform, our democratic process will become a joke. Besides, it's the law. Unverifiable votes in the United States is totally unacceptable. Our right to have our vote counted is paramount so please pass SB1557 so we can be confident in the next election that our vote didn't simply disappear into the electronic atmosphere. Legitimate verifiable elections have been described as the bright line between legitimate nations and rogue states. Please uphold our constitutional rights.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Your name
Your street address
Your city, state, zipcode

Posted by Protect Democracy :: 10:12 AM ::

Saturday, February 25, 2006

List of Arizona State Senators

Senate Roster

Name Sort By Name
District Sort By District
Phone (602)
Fax (602)
Paula Aboud 28 D paboud@azleg.gov 314 926-5262 417-3166
Linda Aguirre
Minority Leader
16 D laguirre@azleg.gov 213 926-3830 417-3145
Carolyn S. Allen 8 R callen@azleg.gov 303 926-4480 417-3155
Marsha Arzberger 25 D marzberger@azleg.gov 313 926-4321 417-3146
Timothy S. Bee
Majority Leader
30 R tbee@azleg.gov 212 926-5683 417-3147
Ken Bennett
1 R kbennett@azleg.gov 204 926-5584 926-3429
Robert Blendu 12 R rblendu@azleg.gov 300 926-5955 417-3168
Bill Brotherton 14 D bbrotherton@azleg.gov 311 926-4485 926-3429
Robert "Bob" Burns 9 R rburns@azleg.gov 110 926-5993 417-3225
Robert Cannell 24 D rcannell@azleg.gov 314 926-4139 417-3156
Ken Cheuvront 15 D kcheuvront@azleg.gov 315 926-5325 417-3149
Jake Flake 5 R jflake@azleg.gov 307 926-5219 417-3223
Jorge Luis Garcia 27 D jgarcia@azleg.gov 311 926-4171 417-3162
Ron Gould 3 R rgould@azleg.gov 304 926-4138 417-3165
Linda Gray 10 R lgray@azleg.gov 309 926-3376 417-3253
Albert Hale 2 D ahale@azleg.gov 313 926-4323 417-3160
Jack W. Harper 4 R jharper@azleg.gov 301 926-4178 417-3154
Toni Hellon 26 R thellon@azleg.gov 303 926-4326 417-3159
John Huppenthal 20 R jhuppenthal@azleg.gov 304 926-5261 417-3157
Marilyn Jarrett
President Pro Tempore
19 R mjarrett@azleg.gov 305 926-5288 417-3161
Karen Johnson 18 R kjohnson@azleg.gov 303A 926-3160 417-3151
Barbara Leff 11 R bleff@azleg.gov 302 926-4486 417-3170
Dean Martin 6 R dmartin@azleg.gov 308 926-5284 417-3163
Richard Miranda
Minority Whip
13 D rmiranda@azleg.gov 310 926-5911 417-3171
Harry E. Mitchell
Assistant Minority Leader
17 D hmitchell@azleg.gov 213 926-4124 417-3164
Rebecca Rios 23 D rrios@azleg.gov 315 926-5685 417-3167
Victor Soltero 29 D vsoltero@azleg.gov 312 926-5342 417-3169
Jay Tibshraeny
Majority Whip
21 R jtibshraeny@azleg.gov 212 926-4481 417-3152
Thayer Verschoor 22 R tverschoor@azleg.gov 306 926-4136 417-3222
Jim Waring 7 R jwaring@azleg.gov 302 926-4916 417-3150

Posted by Protect Democracy :: 10:00 AM ::

Friday, February 24, 2006

AZ House of Representatives

House Roster

Name Sort By Name
District Sort By District
Phone (602)
Fax (602)
Amanda Aguirre 24 D aaguirre@azleg.gov 332 926-4430 417-3024
John M. Allen 11 R jallen@azleg.gov 316 926-3395 417-3007
Manuel V. "Manny" Alvarez 25 D malvarez@azleg.gov 318 926-5895 417-3025
Mark Anderson 18 R manderson@azleg.gov 302 926-4467 417-3018
Ray Barnes 7 R rbarnes@azleg.gov 110 926-5503 417-3107
Nancy K. Barto 7 R nbarto@azleg.gov 307 926-5766 417-3011
Andy Biggs 22 R abiggs@azleg.gov 312 926-4371 417-3022
Tom Boone 4 R tboone@azleg.gov 313 926-3297 417-3004
David T. Bradley 28 D dbradley@azleg.gov 337 926-3300 417-3028
Jack A. Brown 5 D jbrown@azleg.gov 339 926-4129 417-3010
Judy Burges 4 R jburges@azleg.gov 115 926-5861 417-3104
Jennifer J. Burns 25 R jburns@azleg.gov 111 926-5836 417-3125
Meg Burton Cahill 17 D mburtoncahill@azleg.gov 333 926-5896 417-3017
Olivia Cajero Bedford 27 D ocajerobedford@azleg.gov 338 926-5835 417-3027
Ted Carpenter 6 R tcarpenter@azleg.gov 113 926-5333 417-3006
Cheryl Chase 23 R cchase@azleg.gov 129 926-5030 417-3123
Ted Downing 28 D tdowning@azleg.gov 334 926-5108 417-3128
Eddie Farnsworth 22 R efarnsworth@azleg.gov 222 926-5735 417-3122
Steve Gallardo 13 D sgallardo@azleg.gov 329 926-3392 417-3013
Martha Garcia 13 D mgarcia@azleg.gov 126 926-5830 417-3113
Pamela Gorman 6 R pgorman@azleg.gov 118 926-4002 417-3106
Chuck Gray 19 R cgray@azleg.gov 130 926-5495 417-3019
Trish Groe 3 R tgroe@azleg.gov 122 926-5408 417-3103
Pete Hershberger 26 R phershberger@azleg.gov 112 926-5839 417-3026
Steve Huffman 26 R shuffman@azleg.gov 219 926-3394 417-3126
Russell L. Jones 24 R rjones@azleg.gov 342 926-5273 417-3124
Ann Kirkpatrick 2 D akirkpatrick@azleg.gov 325 926-5160 417-3002
Laura Knaperek 17 R lknaperek@azleg.gov 304 926-4225 417-3117
Bill Konopnicki 5 R bkonopnicki@azleg.gov 303 926-5409 417-3105
Leah Landrum Taylor 16 D llandrumtaylor@azleg.gov 125 926-5864 417-3016
Phil Lopes
Minority Leader
27 D plopes@azleg.gov 320 926-3278 417-3127
Linda Lopez
Assistant Minority Leader
29 D llopez@azleg.gov 321 926-4089 417-3029
David M. Lujan 15 D dlujan@azleg.gov 124 926-5829 417-3115
Lucy Mason 1 R lmason@azleg.gov 310 926-5874 417-3001
Marian A. McClure 30 R mmcclure@azleg.gov 308 926-3312 417-3130
John McComish 20 R jmccomish@azleg.gov 119 926-5898 417-3020
Debbie McCune Davis 14 D ddavis@azleg.gov 123 926-5412 417-3014
Nancy G. McLain 3 R nmclain@azleg.gov 117 926-5051 417-3003
Robert Meza 14 D rmeza@azleg.gov 331 926-3425 417-3114
Ben R. Miranda 16 D bmiranda@azleg.gov 323 926-4893 417-3116
Rick Murphy 9 R rmurphy@azleg.gov 121 926-3255 417-3009
John B. Nelson 12 R jnelson@azleg.gov 223 926-5872 417-3112
Warde Nichols 21 R wnichols@azleg.gov 341 926-5168 417-3021
Tom O'Halleran 1 R to'halleran@azleg.gov 306 926-4079 417-3101
Jonathan Paton 30 R jpaton@azleg.gov 120 926-3235 417-3030
Russell K. Pearce 18 R rpearce@azleg.gov 114 926-5760 417-3118
Gary L. Pierce
Majority Whip
19 R gpierce@azleg.gov 217 926-3163 417-3119
Tom Prezelski 29 D tprezelski@azleg.gov 330 926-3424 417-3129
Doug Quelland 10 R dquelland@azleg.gov 220 926-4639 417-3110
Michele Reagan 8 R mreagan@azleg.gov 131 926-5828 417-3008
Pete Rios
Minority Whip
23 D prios@azleg.gov 322 926-5761 417-3023
Bob Robson
Speaker Pro Tempore
20 R brobson@azleg.gov 218 926-5549 417-3120
Colette Rosati 8 R crosati@azleg.gov 309 926-5169 417-3108
Kyrsten Sinema 15 D ksinema@azleg.gov 324 926-5058 417-3015
Bob Stump 9 R bstump@azleg.gov 344 926-5413 417-3109
Albert Tom 2 D atom@azleg.gov 335 926-5862 417-3102
Stephen Tully
Majority Leader
11 R stully@azleg.gov 206 926-5977 417-3111
James P. Weiers
Speaker of the House
10 R jweiers@azleg.gov 221 926-4173 417-3153
Jerry P. Weiers 12 R jpweiers@azleg.gov 116 926-5894 417-3012
Steven B. Yarbrough 21 R syarbrough@azleg.gov 345 926-5863 417-3121

Posted by Protect Democracy :: 10:24 AM ::